===== Overview ===== Lecture Weeks are one of several methods we offer for all of our Early Career Researchers (ECRs). We offer three lecture weeks a year. In addition to three 90 minutes lectures that are offered during the day, ECRs practice team building exercises in the evening. ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** ===== 2024 Schedule ===== Lecture weeks will be jointly organized with [[https://www.quantumfrontiers.de/en/support-structures/qfirs/|QFIRS]] and [[https://www.terraq.uni-hannover.de|TerraQ RTG]] ==== Lecture Week 1 ==== ==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG ==== July 22 - 26, 2024\\ **Location:**\\ Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ **Time table**\\ The time table is [[https://seafile.projekt.uni-hannover.de/f/f47c918a2c184c889b8c/|here]].\\ **Number of Participants**\\ The maximum number of participants is around 30.\\ We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\ **Registration**\\ The link to register is distributed by Fumiko Kawazoe via email.\\ **General Information**\\ Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\ Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\ **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Joint with Maastricht University, Aachen University, QFIRS and TerraQ RTG ==== September 16-20, 2024\\ **Location:**\\ Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor Heimbach, Germany\\ **Time table**\\ [[https://seafile.projekt.uni-hannover.de/f/d973e75d0a8d4c03afc7/|Here]] is our time table.\\ **Number of Participants**\\ The maximum number of participants is 10 from our groups.\\ We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\ **Registration**\\ https://indico.cern.ch/event/1430261/registrations/106950/\\ **Registration fee **\\ https://indico.cern.ch/event/1430261/page/34930-payment **Accomodation **\\ Participants will stay in a {{ :start:accomodation_participants.pdf |large house}} with the option of a single or double room. Housemates will prepare breakfast together and a minivan will be available for trips to the nearest village for groceries. **General Information**\\ Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\ Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\ **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** ==== Lecture Week 3 ==== ==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG and GFZ Potsdam==== February 10 - 14, 2025\\ **Lecture Week Venue:**\\ **Seminar rooms 1-3 in Haus H** in Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ\\ Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam\\ You can find the campus map [[https://seafile.projekt.uni-hannover.de/d/0608eab28e68489da430/|here]]. **Accommodation:**\\ A hotel room at the Mercure Hotel Potsdam City will be reserved for participants who register by November 30, 2024. \\ Address: Lange Brücke, 14467 Potsdam\\ **Travel Information:**\\ Participants should prepare their travels.\\ **Schedule**\\ [[https://seafile.projekt.uni-hannover.de/d/f0d83d366c0d4942a65a/|Here]] is a program and a schedule. Please note that it is still tentative and subject to minor changes.\\ **Number of Participants**\\ The maximum number of participants is 25.\\ We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\ **Registration**\\ The link to register is distributed by Fumiko Kawazoe via email.\\ **General Information**\\ Participants should request their business travel at their institute and have it accepted before the event. \\ \\ ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**\\ ** **Lecture Notes**\\ After each Lecture Week, lecture slides and notes will be available [[https://seafile.projekt.uni-hannover.de/d/eb882d536fe84b109023/|here]] in a password-protected area.\\ ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**\\ ** ===== Historical facts ===== **Lecture Week Series Begins:** The Lecture Week concept was originated and refined for the International Max Planck Research School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy (IMPRS-GW) by its founding Spokespersons, Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann and Prof. Dr. Bernard Schutz. More than 40 Lecture Weeks were organized during its operation from 2006 to 2023.\\ **geo-Q Research Training Group Joins:** The Research Training Group led by Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe, within the framework of the SFB 1128: Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors - Modelling, Geo-Metrology and Future Technology (geo-Q), collaborated with the International Max Planck Research School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy (IMPRS-GW) to establish the first joint concept of Lecture Week series in 2015 until geo-Q ended in 2019.\\ **QuantumFrontiers International Research School Joins:** In 2019, the launch of the QuantumFrontiers International Research School under EXC 2123 resulted in the expansion of this collaborative effort. \\ **TerraQ Research School Joins:** The newly funded SFB 1464: Relativistic and quantum-based geodesy (TerraQ) Research Training Group led by Dr. Liliane Biskupek (2021-2024) and Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe (2021-today) continued the joint Lecture Week series, further strengthening the collaboration.\\ **Please visit [[start:lectureweeks:pastevents|here]] for details of the past joint Lecture Week series.**\\ ===== Contact ===== If you have a question, please feel free to contact the organisers:\\ QF Chief Study Officer, TerraQ PI: [[fumiko.kawazoe@aei.mpg.de|Fumiko Kawazoe]]\\ TerraQ PI : [[biskupek@ife.uni-hannover.de|Liliane Biskupek]] (until the end of April)\\ TerraQ PI: [[knabe@ife.uni-hannover.de|Annike Knabe]] (May 1st on)\\