==== Grant Writing for Postdocs ==== **[[start:pro:trainers:CS|Dr. Christina Schütte]]**\\ **May 07-08, 2019**\\ **9:00 - 17:00**\\ **Seminar room 103 AEI\\ 2-day workshop for up to 16 participants on how to write a successful grant proposal addressing different funding organizations. The workshop consists of different teaching units as well as of individual and group exercises. The organizer will be provided with the corresponding course material (in pdf format) by the trainer. The organizer is responsible for distributing the course material to the participants in printed form. The electronic format shall not be distributed. Participants will be asked to prepare a mini proposal which is fundamental for group work and exercises. To allow a fluent organization of this task, the list of participants should be made available to the trainer approximately four weeks prior to the workshop date. Participants should be informed about the amount of preliminary work required when they register. The workshop will be held in English. The course includes the following elements: * Introduction (Input and short exercise) * Aims Definition (Group work and Feedback) * Writing good texts in English (Input with interactive exercises) * Grant parts I (Input with examples and exercise on abstract) * Grant Parts II, Typical Mistakes (Input) * Funding Organizations * Evaluation Procedure (input) * Evaluation Exercise (supervised group work - breaks individual by group) * Feedback on Mini Grants * Writing Strategy (input with discussion)