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Beide Seiten der vorigen RevisionVorhergehende Überarbeitung
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Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
start:pro:current:20240603 [2024/05/02 15:04] fumiko.kawazoe@aei.mpg.destart:pro:current:20240603 [2024/11/15 11:06] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-==== Time management in academia ====+==== Scientific Writing Workshop: Style, Process, Narrative ====
-**Target group: PhD candidates**\\+**Target group: PhD students and Postdocs**\\
-**[[start:pro:trainers:golin|DrSimon Golin]]**\\ +**[[|Jeremiah Hendrane]]**\\ 
-**July 3 9:00 - 17:00**\\ +**December 2-3, 2024**\\ 
-**AEI Hannover 133 (C36)**\\+**9:00 - 17:30 on both days**\\ 
 +**AEI Hannover 133+132 (Callinstrasse 36, 30167 Hannover)**\\ 
 +{{ :start:pro:current:132_133_callinstrasse_36_how_to_find_us.pdf |Click here to find how to find the seminar room.}}\\ 
 +Please register using the registration link shared in the email sent by Fumiko Kawazoe on October 17, 2024.
 +This workshop focuses on style, process, and narrative in scientific writing. Style refers to writing techniques that allow readers to understand ideas in an efficient and painless way. Process concerns strategies to make everyday research and writing as productive and enjoyable as possible. And narrative is about drawing readers in and sustaining their interest throughout a text.
-During this workshop the participants learn the fundamentals of time management and deal mainly with the following topics:\\ 
-  * Basics of time management: Setting goals and priorities 
-  * Efficiency versus effectiveness: The subtle difference 
-  * Important or urgent: My projects in the Eisenhower diagram 
-  * Structuring your time: My planning horizon 
-  * Would ’ave, could’ave, should’ave: Disturbances & time-wasters – both self-inflicted & caused by others 
-  * Expect the unexpected: Strategies for dealing with the unplannable 
-  * Time management: My next steps 
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