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start:lectureweeks:pastevents [2022/09/05 12:03] – [Lecture Notes] fumiko.kawazoe@aei.mpg.destart:lectureweeks:pastevents [2025/02/07 14:29] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-===== 2008 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1==== 
-November 2-7,2008\\ 
-Berlin, Germany\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2009 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1  ==== 
-August 23-28, 2009\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:august09_zeitplan-2.pdf |Schedule}} 
-==== Lecture Notes  ==== 
-[[ |2009]] 
-===== 2010 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-February 28 - March 5, 2010\\ 
-Erkner, Germany\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-May 30 - June 4, 2010\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:5.schedule-2.pdf |Schedule}} 
-==== Lecture Week 3  - Project Week - ==== 
-February 13-18, 2011\\ 
-Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw3-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_2011_lw3_2010_-2.pdf|Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2011 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 6-11, 2011\\ 
-Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_2011_lw_1-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:2011_lw1_lecture_week_overview-2.pdf|Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 19-24, 2011\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw2_2011-2.pdf |Schedle}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 -Project Week -  ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 30 - November 4, 2011\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw3_2011-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_lw3_2011-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2012 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 4-9, 2012\\ 
-Motzen am See in Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw1_2012-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview2012-march-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 17.22, 2012\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw2_2012-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_2_2012_overview-2.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 28 - November 2, 2012\\ 
-Joint with geo-Q RTG, RTG Models of Gravity and IMPRS-GW\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_2012_schedule-2.pdf  |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_2012_lw3-2.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2013 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 3-8, 2013\\ 
-Spreewald in Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1_schedule_2013-3.pdf  |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1_overview_2013-3.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 16-21, 2013\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_2013schedule-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_2013overview-2.pdf|Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 6-11, 2013\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_schedule_2013-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_overview_2013-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2014 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 2-7, 2014\\ 
-Fleesensee in Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1program_2014-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1curriculum_2014-3.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 29 - July 4, 2014\\ 
-Strandhotel in mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_schedule_2014-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2overview_2014.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 5-10, 2014\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_schedule2014-2.pdf|Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_overview2014-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
 ===== 2015 ===== ===== 2015 =====
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 8-13, 2015\\ 
-Bad Saarow, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_1_2015-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Glasgow ==== 
-June 7-12, 2015\\ 
-Crieff, Scotland\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:2015_06_schedule.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_overview_2015-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
 ==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== ==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ====
 ==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== ==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ====
Zeile 192: Zeile 20:
 ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Lecture Week 2 ====
-=== For IMPRS-GW Students === 
-June 12-17, 2016\\ 
-Strandhotel in Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw_june2016-3.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:imprs_lw_program_2016-2.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
 === For geo-Q RTG Students === === For geo-Q RTG Students ===
 June 19-24, 2016\\ June 19-24, 2016\\
Zeile 262: Zeile 82:
 ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Lecture Week 2 ====
-==== Joint with geo-QIMPRS-GW and IMPP with University of Glasgow ====+==== Joint with geo-Q and IMPRS-GW ====
 July 1-6, 2018\\ July 1-6, 2018\\
 **Location:**\\ **Location:**\\
Zeile 348: Zeile 168:
 ==== Lecture Notes ====  ==== Lecture Notes ==== 
 ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW ==== 
 August 7-12, 2022\\ August 7-12, 2022\\
 **Location:**\\ **Location:**\\
Zeile 378: Zeile 199:
 **Registration**\\ **Registration**\\
 <color red>Registration closed on May 30, 2022.</color> <color red>Registration closed on May 30, 2022.</color>
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes will be collected and uploaded [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +==== Lecture Week 3 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn ====
 +November 19th -24th, 2022\\
 +[[|Hotel Haus Oberwinter ]](Am Unkelstein 1A, 53424 Remagen)\\
 +and [[|Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy]] (Auf dem Hügel 69
 +D-53121 Bonn-Endenich)\\ 
 +This is a Project week. Groups of ECRs will work to create a project and present it at the end of the week. Details will be announced on the first day of the project week.\\
 +A visit to [[|100m Telescope]] is planed on November 19th. \\
 +For  [[|overview of lectures and travel information]].\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants is limited to 23, excluding lecturers and organisers.
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.
 +Therefore we will limit the number of participants to 35 ( of which 23 from Hannover and 12 from Bonn) for LW3.
 +Number of participants is limited to maximum 23.\\
 +Please refer to an email with a subject "Lecture Week 3 registration" sent by Fumiko Kawazoe on August 17th, 2022. \\
 +Please register by the end of August 31, 2022.\\
 +<color #ed1c24>Registration closed on September 1st, 2022.</color>\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes will be collected and uploaded [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +===== 2023 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Joint week with ALPS DESY in Hamburg ====
 +March 26 - 31, 2023\\
 +Eurostrand, Bruchweg 11, 27389 Fintel\\ 
 +Two lectures on ALPS DESY will be given and 13 lectures from Hannover team will be given.\\
 +Laboratory visit is planned.\\
 +[[|Program here.]]\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants should be around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Please register [[|here]] **by February 13th, 2023**. \\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW  ====
 +June 18 - 23, 2023\\
 +Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ 
 +Click [[|here]] to see our schedule.\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes. \\
 +Please make a copy electronically and send it to: [[|the QF Study Officer and TerraQ RTG PI.]]\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants should be around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Please register [[|here]] by no later than June 2nd, 2023.\\
 +==== Lecture Week 3 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Vigo University in Spain ====
 +October 1 - 6, 2023\\
 +Parador de Santo Estevo
 +32162 Provincia de Orense Nogueira de Ramuín, Spain\\ 
 +Preliminary Program available [[|here]].
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants is limited to 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Registration is now closed due to the number of registrations exceeding the maximum number of participants.\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes from 2023 Lecture Weeks [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +===== 2024 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG ====
 +July 22 - 26, 2024\\
 +Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ 
 +**Time table**\\
 +The time table is  [[|here]].\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +The maximum number of participants is around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +The link to register is distributed by Fumiko Kawazoe via email.\\
 +**General Information**\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with Maastricht University, Aachen University, QFIRS and TerraQ RTG ====
 +September 16-20, 2024\\
 +Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor Heimbach, Germany\\ 
 +**Time table**\\
 +[[|Here]] is our time table.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +The maximum number of participants is 10 from our groups.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +**Registration fee **\\
 +**Accomodation **\\
 +Participants will stay in a {{ :start:accomodation_participants.pdf |large house}} with the option of a single or double room. 
 +Housemates will prepare breakfast together and a minivan will be available for trips to the nearest village for groceries.
 +**General Information**\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\
 +**Lecture Notes**\\
 +After each Lecture Week, lecture slides and notes will be available [[|here]] in a password-protected area.\\
 Contact: [[|Fumiko Kawazoe]]  Contact: [[|Fumiko Kawazoe]] 
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