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start:lectureweeks:pastevents [2022/12/05 15:43] – [Lecture Notes] fumiko.kawazoe@aei.mpg.destart:lectureweeks:pastevents [2025/02/07 14:29] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-===== 2008 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1==== 
-November 2-7,2008\\ 
-Berlin, Germany\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2009 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1  ==== 
-August 23-28, 2009\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:august09_zeitplan-2.pdf |Schedule}} 
-==== Lecture Notes  ==== 
-[[ |2009]] 
-===== 2010 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-February 28 - March 5, 2010\\ 
-Erkner, Germany\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-May 30 - June 4, 2010\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:5.schedule-2.pdf |Schedule}} 
-==== Lecture Week 3  - Project Week - ==== 
-February 13-18, 2011\\ 
-Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw3-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_2011_lw3_2010_-2.pdf|Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2011 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 6-11, 2011\\ 
-Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_2011_lw_1-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:2011_lw1_lecture_week_overview-2.pdf|Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 19-24, 2011\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw2_2011-2.pdf |Schedle}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 -Project Week -  ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 30 - November 4, 2011\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw3_2011-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_lw3_2011-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2012 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 4-9, 2012\\ 
-Motzen am See in Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw1_2012-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview2012-march-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 17.22, 2012\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw2_2012-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_2_2012_overview-2.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 28 - November 2, 2012\\ 
-Joint with geo-Q RTG, RTG Models of Gravity and IMPRS-GW\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_2012_schedule-2.pdf  |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_2012_lw3-2.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2013 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 3-8, 2013\\ 
-Spreewald in Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1_schedule_2013-3.pdf  |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1_overview_2013-3.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 16-21, 2013\\ 
-Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_2013schedule-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_2013overview-2.pdf|Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 6-11, 2013\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_schedule_2013-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_overview_2013-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
-===== 2014 ===== 
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 2-7, 2014\\ 
-Fleesensee in Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1program_2014-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1curriculum_2014-3.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-June 29 - July 4, 2014\\ 
-Strandhotel in mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_schedule_2014-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2overview_2014.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== 
-October 5-10, 2014\\ 
-Mallorca, Spain\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_schedule2014-2.pdf|Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_overview2014-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Notes ==== 
 ===== 2015 ===== ===== 2015 =====
-==== Lecture Week 1 ==== 
-March 8-13, 2015\\ 
-Bad Saarow, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lecture_week_overview_1_2015-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
-==== Lecture Week 2 ==== 
-==== Joint with University of Glasgow ==== 
-June 7-12, 2015\\ 
-Crieff, Scotland\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:2015_06_schedule.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_overview_2015-2.pdf |Overview}}\\ 
 ==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ==== ==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ====
 ==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ==== ==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ====
Zeile 192: Zeile 20:
 ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Lecture Week 2 ====
-=== For IMPRS-GW Students === 
-June 12-17, 2016\\ 
-Strandhotel in Mardorf, Germany\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule_lw_june2016-3.pdf |Schedule}}\\ 
-{{ :start:lectureweeks:imprs_lw_program_2016-2.pdf  |Overview}}\\ 
 === For geo-Q RTG Students === === For geo-Q RTG Students ===
 June 19-24, 2016\\ June 19-24, 2016\\
Zeile 262: Zeile 82:
 ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Lecture Week 2 ====
-==== Joint with geo-QIMPRS-GW and IMPP with University of Glasgow ====+==== Joint with geo-Q and IMPRS-GW ====
 July 1-6, 2018\\ July 1-6, 2018\\
 **Location:**\\ **Location:**\\
Zeile 352: Zeile 172:
 ==== Lecture Week 2 ==== ==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW ==== 
 August 7-12, 2022\\ August 7-12, 2022\\
 **Location:**\\ **Location:**\\
Zeile 385: Zeile 206:
 ==== Lecture Week 3 ==== ==== Lecture Week 3 ====
-**Joint week with Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn**\\+==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn ====
 November 19th -24th, 2022\\ November 19th -24th, 2022\\
Zeile 420: Zeile 241:
 Lecture Notes will be collected and uploaded [[|here]].\\ Lecture Notes will be collected and uploaded [[|here]].\\
 The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week. The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +===== 2023 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Joint week with ALPS DESY in Hamburg ====
 +March 26 - 31, 2023\\
 +Eurostrand, Bruchweg 11, 27389 Fintel\\ 
 +Two lectures on ALPS DESY will be given and 13 lectures from Hannover team will be given.\\
 +Laboratory visit is planned.\\
 +[[|Program here.]]\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants should be around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Please register [[|here]] **by February 13th, 2023**. \\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW  ====
 +June 18 - 23, 2023\\
 +Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ 
 +Click [[|here]] to see our schedule.\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes. \\
 +Please make a copy electronically and send it to: [[|the QF Study Officer and TerraQ RTG PI.]]\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants should be around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Please register [[|here]] by no later than June 2nd, 2023.\\
 +==== Lecture Week 3 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Vigo University in Spain ====
 +October 1 - 6, 2023\\
 +Parador de Santo Estevo
 +32162 Provincia de Orense Nogueira de Ramuín, Spain\\ 
 +Preliminary Program available [[|here]].
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants is limited to 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Registration is now closed due to the number of registrations exceeding the maximum number of participants.\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes from 2023 Lecture Weeks [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +===== 2024 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG ====
 +July 22 - 26, 2024\\
 +Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ 
 +**Time table**\\
 +The time table is  [[|here]].\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +The maximum number of participants is around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +The link to register is distributed by Fumiko Kawazoe via email.\\
 +**General Information**\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with Maastricht University, Aachen University, QFIRS and TerraQ RTG ====
 +September 16-20, 2024\\
 +Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor Heimbach, Germany\\ 
 +**Time table**\\
 +[[|Here]] is our time table.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +The maximum number of participants is 10 from our groups.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +**Registration fee **\\
 +**Accomodation **\\
 +Participants will stay in a {{ :start:accomodation_participants.pdf |large house}} with the option of a single or double room. 
 +Housemates will prepare breakfast together and a minivan will be available for trips to the nearest village for groceries.
 +**General Information**\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\
 +**Lecture Notes**\\
 +After each Lecture Week, lecture slides and notes will be available [[|here]] in a password-protected area.\\
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