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start:lectureweeks:pastevents [2024/03/21 10:43] – [Lecture Week 3] fumiko.kawazoe@aei.mpg.destart:lectureweeks:pastevents [2025/02/07 14:29] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +===== 2015 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ====
 +==== Joint with University of Balearic Island ====
 +September 20-25, 2015\\
 +Mallorca, Spain\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:schedule-lw_3_2015-2.pdf|Overview}}\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +===== 2016 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint Lecture week between geo-Q RTG and IMPRS-GW ====
 +March 6-11, 2016\\
 +Motzener See\\, Motzen, Germany\\ 
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:imprs_lw_program_2016_aei-2.pdf |Programme for IMPRS}}\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:geoq_lw1_program_v4-2.pdf |Programme for geo-Q RTG}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +=== For geo-Q RTG Students ===
 +June 19-24, 2016\\
 +Strandhotel in Mardorf, Germany\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:geoq_lw2_timetable_ver3-2.pdf |Schedule}}\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:geoq_lw2_program_v8-2.pdf |Overview}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ====
 +====  Joint Lecture week between geo-Q RTG, IMPRS-GW and University of Balearic Island ====
 +September 25-30, 2016\\
 +Mallorca, Spain\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw3_2016_4all_final-2.pdf |Schedule for all participants}}\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:imprs_lw_program_2016_planned-2.pdf |Programme for IMPRS Students}}\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:geoq_lw3_program_ver5-2.pdf |Programme for geo-Q Students}}\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +===== 2017 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint Lecture week between geo-Q RTG and IMPRS-GW ====
 +April 18-22, 2017\\
 +Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Potsdam, Germany\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:time_table_imprs_and_geoq_lw1-2.pdf |Overview for all participants}}\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2017_lw1_lecture_list-2.pdf |Lecture list for geo-Q students}}
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with geo-Q, IMPRS-GW and IMPP with University of Glasgow ====
 +June 11-16, 2017\\
 +Edinburgh, UK\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:time_table_imprs_and_geoq_lw2_final_v3-2.pdf |Overview and Schedule}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ====
 +==== Joint with IMPRS-GW, geo-Q RTG and University of Balearic Island ====
 +September 17-22, 2017\\
 +Mallorca, Spain\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:time_table_imprs_and_geoq_lw3_final_ver9.19-2.pdf|Overview and Schedule}}\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +===== 2018 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint Lecture week between geo-Q RTG and IMPRS-GW ====
 +March 11-16, 2018\\
 +Fintel, Germany\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2018_lw1_lecture_list_v2-2.pdf |Overview for geo-Q students}}\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:timetable_lwi_2018-2.pdf |Overview for IMPRS-GW students}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with geo-Q and IMPRS-GW ====
 +July 1-6, 2018\\
 +Mardorf, Germany\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2018_lw_2_final.pdf |Overview and Schedule}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 3 - Project Week - ====
 +==== Joint with IMPRS-GW, geo-Q RTG and University of Balearic Island ====
 +September 17-22, 2018\\
 +Mallorca, Spain\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:timetable_lw3_2018_ver.09.19.pdf |Overview and Schedule}}\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +===== 2019 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, geo-Q RTG, RTG Models of Gravity and IMPRS-GW ==== 
 +March 3-8, 2019\\
 +Fintel, Germany\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2019_lw1_programme_final_ver.2.pdf |Timetable and Lecture list}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, geo-Q RTG and IMPRS-GW ==== 
 +July 14-19, 2019\\
 +Mardorf, Germany\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2019_lecture_week_2_timetable.pdf |Timetable and Lecture list}}
 +==== Lecture Week 3 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, IMPRS-GW and University of Balearic Island==== 
 +September 15-20, 2019\\
 +Mallorca, Spain\\ 
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2019_lw3_schedule_lecturelist.pdf |Time table and Lecture list}}\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ==== 
 +===== 2020 =====
 +All lecture weeks were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
 +===== 2021 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG and IMPRS-GW ==== 
 +April 12-22, 2021 excluding Saturday and Sunday \\
 +Online (zoom)\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw1_2021_schedule_ver.2.pdf |Time table and lecture list}}\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG and IMPRS-GW ==== 
 +October 4-8, 2021 \\
 +AEI seminar room 103\\
 +Address: Callinstr.38, 30167 Hannover\\
 +For Friday lecture at 10:00, seminar room 309\\
 +Address: Schneiderberg 50, 30167 Hannover\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:lw2_2021_programme_ver.oct.06.pdf |Time table and Lecture list}}\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ==== 
 +===== 2022 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Models of Gravity==== 
 +May 8-13, 2022\\
 +Fintel, Germany\\
 +All participants should make an Elevator Pitch during the presentation hours.\\
 +One person has 3 minutes of time to talk about their research topics in a way
 +understandable for audience with various scientific backgrounds.\\
 +We will keep the time and inform you when the 3 minutes is over.\\
 +{{ :start:lectureweeks:2022_lecutre_weeks_ver.3-2.pdf |Time table}}\\
 +Registration Closed on  March 20, 2022\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ==== 
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW ==== 
 +August 7-12, 2022\\
 +Hof Thansen 2\\ 
 +21388 Soderstorf\\ 
 +**Travel Information**\\
 +There is a bus from Hannover central station to the hotel on August 7th, at 16:00.\\ 
 +On August 12th after the lectures, participants will travel to [[|ALPS DESY]] for a guided laboratory tour and study more about particles shining through a wall introduced at the LW1. Participants will take a bus from the hotel to ALPS DESY starting from the hotel at 13:00. \\ 
 +On August 12th, participants will take public transportation from ALPS DESY back. For those coming back to Hannover Hbf or via Hannover Hbf, there will be a group train ticket.\\
 +Details are shown on the 
 +[[|Lecture Overview and Schedule]].\\ 
 +We expect a very large number of registered people due to the lack of in-person Lecture Weeks in the past years.
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.
 +Therefore we will limit the number of participants to 30 for LW2.\\
 +<color red>Registration closed on May 30, 2022.</color>
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes will be collected and uploaded [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 ==== Lecture Week 3 ==== ==== Lecture Week 3 ====
 ==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn ==== ==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn ====
Zeile 30: Zeile 236:
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes will be collected and uploaded [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +===== 2023 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Joint week with ALPS DESY in Hamburg ====
 +March 26 - 31, 2023\\
 +Eurostrand, Bruchweg 11, 27389 Fintel\\ 
 +Two lectures on ALPS DESY will be given and 13 lectures from Hannover team will be given.\\
 +Laboratory visit is planned.\\
 +[[|Program here.]]\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants should be around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Please register [[|here]] **by February 13th, 2023**. \\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW  ====
 +June 18 - 23, 2023\\
 +Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ 
 +Click [[|here]] to see our schedule.\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes. \\
 +Please make a copy electronically and send it to: [[|the QF Study Officer and TerraQ RTG PI.]]\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants should be around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Please register [[|here]] by no later than June 2nd, 2023.\\
 +==== Lecture Week 3 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG, IMPRS-GW and Vigo University in Spain ====
 +October 1 - 6, 2023\\
 +Parador de Santo Estevo
 +32162 Provincia de Orense Nogueira de Ramuín, Spain\\ 
 +Preliminary Program available [[|here]].
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +Number of participants is limited to 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +Registration is now closed due to the number of registrations exceeding the maximum number of participants.\\
 +==== Lecture Notes ====
 +Lecture Notes from 2023 Lecture Weeks [[|here]].\\
 +The folder is password protected. The password will be given to participants at the lecture week.
 +===== 2024 =====
 +==== Lecture Week 1 ====
 +==== Joint with QFIRS, TerraQ RTG ====
 +July 22 - 26, 2024\\
 +Strandhotel Weißer Berg, Kiefernweg 20, 31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge\\ 
 +**Time table**\\
 +The time table is  [[|here]].\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +The maximum number of participants is around 30.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +The link to register is distributed by Fumiko Kawazoe via email.\\
 +**General Information**\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\
 +==== Lecture Week 2 ====
 +==== Joint with Maastricht University, Aachen University, QFIRS and TerraQ RTG ====
 +September 16-20, 2024\\
 +Dormio Resort Eifeler Tor Heimbach, Germany\\ 
 +**Time table**\\
 +[[|Here]] is our time table.\\
 +**Number of Participants**\\
 +The maximum number of participants is 10 from our groups.\\
 +We want to ensure a high level of interaction during lectures.\\
 +**Registration fee **\\
 +**Accomodation **\\
 +Participants will stay in a {{ :start:accomodation_participants.pdf |large house}} with the option of a single or double room. 
 +Housemates will prepare breakfast together and a minivan will be available for trips to the nearest village for groceries.
 +**General Information**\\
 +Participants must fill in their travel forms at their institutes.\\
 +Depending on hotel occupancy, participants should share accommodation with other attendees.\\
 +**Lecture Notes**\\
 +After each Lecture Week, lecture slides and notes will be available [[|here]] in a password-protected area.\\
 +Contact: [[|Fumiko Kawazoe]] 
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