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Historical facts

Lecture Week Series Begins: The Lecture Week concept was originated and refined for the International Max Planck Research School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy (IMPRS-GW) by its founding Spokespersons, Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann and Prof. Dr. Bernard Schutz. More than 40 Lecture Weeks were organized during its operation from 2006 to 2023.

geo-Q Research Training Group Joins: The Research Training Group led by Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe, within the framework of the SFB 1128: Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors - Modelling, Geo-Metrology and Future Technology (geo-Q), collaborated with the International Max Planck Research School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy (IMPRS-GW) to establish the first joint concept of Lecture Week series in 2015 until geo-Q ended in 2019.

QuantumFrontiers International Research School Joins: In 2019, the launch of the QuantumFrontiers International Research School under EXC 2123 resulted in the expansion of this collaborative effort.

TerraQ Research School Joins: The newly funded SFB 1464: Relativistic and quantum-based geodesy (TerraQ) Research Training Group led by Dr. Liliane Biskupek (2021-2024) and Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe (2021-today) continued the joint Lecture Week series, further strengthening the collaboration.


Past Lecture Weeks

Please visit here for details of the past joint Lecture Week series.

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