


Career Development Day with Alumni

Luca Spani Molella, Optical System engineer at OHB-System AG, Bremen
Daniel Schütze, Satellite System engineer at OHB-System AG, Bremen
Johanna Bogenstahl, Teacher at Gymnasium, Hannover
Michael Britzger, Senior Manager Digital Transformation Emerson Automation Solution, Hannover

June 14th 2019
16:00 -
AEI Seminar room 103

the IMPRS-GW and QFIRS are planing a career development day for early career researchers (ECRs) like you.

As an ECR you have probably asked yourself following questions:

  • What happens after my time at my institute ?
  • Do I want to stay in science?
  • Do I want to go into industry?
  • Or do I take a chance on making a completely new start and do something quite different?

We aim to provide answers to these and similar questions with our event. Please feel encouraged to ask invited alumni about their career paths and experience in changing jobs, etc. ; alumni in turn have the opportunity to get to know you, which will help to create professional network outside of your institute!

The plan is the following:

Friday, 14th June 2019, 4.00 p.m. in Seminar Room 103 in the AEI, Hannover.

After the Speed Informing we offer some drinks and sandwiches.

Registration closed at the end of June 6th, 2019.

We want to make a regular event like this and further invite Alumni from various institutes and with different backgrounds in the near future!

If you have any questions please contact us Fumiko Kawazoe (CSO QF; and Sandra Bruns (IMPRS-GW coordinator:

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